Author: Elizabeth Whitaker

Freedom Scientific Collaborates with Amazon to Improve JAWS Access to the Kindle App for PC

Last month, we told you about a recent change to that caused shortcut keys to no longer work, and the subsequent collaboration between Freedom Scientific and Twitter that resolved the issue. Now we’d like to share another collaboration between Freedom Scientific and a mainstream company that has resulted in greater access to digital books. …

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Write, Edit, and Collaborate Using Google Docs and JAWS

In our last live webinar, “Google Docs and JAWS,” we showed you how to enable the screen and braille accessibility features, provided an overview of orientation and navigation, and introduced you to some basic formatting commands. This week, we’ll delve deeper into this popular application in FS Skill Building and Review, “Write, Edit, and Collaborate …

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Join Us for FSOpenLine to Have Your Voice Heard

Join Us for FSOpenLine to Have Your Voice Heard FSOpenLine, Freedom Scientific’s global call-in show will take place tomorrow, September 19 at 8:00 PM Eastern. Want to know more about FS software releases? Have questions about our products you’ve always wanted to ask? Join us by phone or computer and get them answered. During the …

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Access to Twitter Shortcut Keys Returns Thanks to Collaboration Between Freedom Scientific and Mainstream Software Companies

During July 2019, we received several Tech Support calls and feedback from our Beta team alerting us that something had recently changed while using with JAWS. Twitter, like Facebook, offers their own shortcut keys to help interact with their pages. For example, on Twitter, you can press the letter J to jump to the …

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Google Chrome and JAWS – Three Tips to Improve Your Surfing Experience

Google Chrome has become one of the most popular web browsers, offering a wide range of features for surfing the internet. While functionality with the JAWS screen reader is very similar to that of other browsers, there are some differences in how certain tasks are accomplished. Whether you’re new to Chrome or browsing the internet …

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FS Skill Building and Review, Improving JAWS Skills in Outlook

Microsoft Outlook is a robust application with many useful features that increase productivity at home, in school, and in the workplace. During our last webinar, “Microsoft Outlook with JAWS”, we demonstrated a number of useful features for sending email, managing contacts, and scheduling appointments. On August 15 at noon Eastern, we’ll provide a task-based approach …

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