Gmail is a widely-used email service that is used at home, work, and school. While it can be accessed through a desktop email application such as Microsoft Outlook, its webmail option provides more versatility.
Google’s webmail option provides Gmail users a flexible alternative for accessing email from computers and mobile devices. A web browser and Internet connection are all you need to begin sending and receiving messages.
When you access Gmail through this form of internet-based email, messages are stored on a web server, rather than on your computer or device. This frees up disk space and memory for other important files. Here are three reasons to consider choosing Google’s webmail option when accessing Gmail with JAWS.
Access Your Email from Anywhere
When using Google’s webmail option, you can access messages from anywhere on any computer or mobile device. This is especially convenient if you travel frequently or need to access email between appointments. Because your email is all on the cloud, you can also search for and respond to messages quickly and efficiently without accessing a dedicated computer or software.
No Additional Software Is Required
Webmail doesn’t require the installation of dedicated software. Simply open your web browser, go to Gmail, and your messages will be displayed.
Access Your Email Using Familiar JAWS and Web Page Navigation Commands
Since Google’s webmail is displayed in your web browser, you can use JAWS Quick Nav keys and other navigation keystrokes when working with messages. These familiar commands make learning easier.
Want to get the most out of accessing Gmail? Check out our instructional tutorial, Gmail and JAWS today. You’ll learn how to compose a new email, read messages, search your inbox, and much more.
Download the MP4 or stream the MP3, plus use the included resources to supplement your learning experience.