Category: FSCast

FSCast # 254. Celebrating Braille, attending a Zoom meeting and enjoying subtitles on YouTube

This month on FSCast, we hear from Michal Tkáčik about some exciting European initiatives to celebrate the 200th anniversary of Braille. Then, in a Zoom conference with Elizabeth Whitaker, we find out how to use Picture Smart and Background OCR to make

Read More FSCast # 254. Celebrating Braille, attending a Zoom meeting and enjoying subtitles on YouTube

FSCast 248, Back to School: Prizes, Math And More

On this back-to-school episode: Rachel Buchanan, our director of user education and technical support, introduces Sharkvember and The Next Big Thing contest. Dr. Denise Robinson, the founder of Your Tech Vision, discusses technology, education and math. And finally, Olga Espinola, our test engineer and a highly experienced technology user,  explains the new math-related features in …

Read More FSCast 248, Back to School: Prizes, Math And More

FSCast 247, an interview with Oleg Shevkun, and Mohammed Laachir discusses our new AI features

On this episode, Glen Gordon interviews Oleg Shevkun, our new FSCast host, and passes on the baton. Then, we hear from Mohammed Laachir, a product owner at Vispero, on some exciting AI-related developments in JAWS and Fusion. Activate to listen, right-click to download. You can also Read the transcript.

Read More FSCast 247, an interview with Oleg Shevkun, and Mohammed Laachir discusses our new AI features

FSCast 246, a visit with Dr. Tim Cordes, plus Crystal Jones talks about Microsoft’s Disability Answer Desk

On FSCast 246, we’ll meet psychiatrist Dr. Tim Cordes.  He’s been working in addiction medicine for nearly 20 years, and back in 2005 was the second totally blind person to graduate from medical school.  Then all about Microsoft’s Disability Answer Desk that can help solve problems related to Microsoft software.  Crystal Jones will be here …

Read More FSCast 246, a visit with Dr. Tim Cordes, plus Crystal Jones talks about Microsoft’s Disability Answer Desk

FSCast 245, a demo of Picture Smart chat, all about NLS, and a visit with Gordon Legge

On FSCast 245, a demo of how Picture Smart just got smarter thanks to the new chat feature.  Then Alice O’Reilly, Chief of the Collections Division, and Tamara Rorie, head of Patron Engagement at NLS, talk about the array of free services and devices available to people living in the United States.  Plus, we’ll get …

Read More FSCast 245, a demo of Picture Smart chat, all about NLS, and a visit with Gordon Legge